Omega Supplementation: Why You Should Be Adding This To Your Wellness Routine.

Omega Supplementation

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Are Omega supplements part of your current wellness routine? If not, they absolutely should be! At R3 Health, our team of medical providers believe that omega is a vital supplement and something that every patient of ours can benefit from. Omega fatty acids are involved in so many of the body’s internal processes and they are not produced naturally by the body. Below, we will discuss the different types of fatty acids along with the many health benefits that come from adequate intake. 

What Are Omega Fatty Acids?

Omega fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats, often referred to as the “healthy fats”, that are essential to your health. The body cannot produce them on its own, so they must come from your diet or supplementation. The three main types are:

  • Omega-3: Primarily found in fatty fish like salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts. The three most important types are ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
  • Omega-6: Found in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds. Though necessary, an excess of omega-6 in relation to omega-3 can cause inflammation.

The Health Benefits of Omega-3-and-6.

1. Heart Health

One of the most well-researched benefits of omega-3 fatty acids is their positive impact on heart health. They can help lower triglyceride levels, reduce blood pressure, and improve overall heart function. Supplementing may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by promoting healthier cholesterol levels and lowering the chance of cardiac events.

2. Reduced Inflammation

Both omega-3-and-6 fatty acids play a role in managing inflammation. While omega-6 is necessary for immune responses, too much can lead to chronic inflammation. Omega-3, on the other hand, works to reduce inflammation, potentially benefiting those with conditions like arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease. Balancing these two fatty acids is crucial for optimal inflammatory control.

3. Cognitive Function and Mental Health

The brain is highly concentrated with DHA, which supports cell membrane integrity and cognitive function. Research shows supplementation can improve memory, concentration, and mood. It has even been linked to reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety, as omega-3s help regulate neurotransmitters like serotonin.

4. Joint Health and Mobility

For individuals with joint discomfort or stiffness, supplementation has been shown to reduce symptoms by decreasing inflammatory markers in the body. Regular intake can help keep joints lubricated and support overall mobility, making it beneficial for those dealing with arthritis or joint pain from physical activity.

5. Eye Health

DHA, plays a critical role in eye health. It’s a major structural component of the retina, and adequate intake has been shown to reduce the risk of macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome. By supplementing with omega-3s, you’re helping to maintain sharp vision and protect your eyes from age-related decline.

6. Skin Health and Appearance

Omega-3s also have beauty benefits. They help maintain the skin’s moisture barrier, reduce inflammation associated with acne, and even slow the effects of aging. The anti-inflammatory properties can help calm irritated skin, while the fatty acids provide deep hydration from within, leading to a more youthful and radiant complexion.

Why Supplement with Omegas?

While it’s possible to obtain omega fatty acids through diet, modern eating habits often leave us deficient. The typical Western diet tends to be high in omega-6 fatty acids, found in processed foods, which can create an imbalance. Supplementing with omega-3s ensures that your body gets enough of these essential nutrients to reap the benefits mentioned above.

At R3 Health, we offer high-quality omega supplements that are sourced from sustainable, pure, and bioavailable ingredients, ensuring you get the most out of your supplementation. Whether you’re looking to enhance heart health, improve cognitive function, or support your skin, omega supplementation can be a simple yet powerful addition to your wellness routine.

A Final Thought

As we discussed earlier in this blog, omega is an essential nutrient, meaning it is not produced by our bodies. While we highlighted dietary sources of this essential nutrient, we understand that it may be difficult for some patients to regularly incorporate these recommendations into their daily routines. This is why we strongly recommend adding  it into your daily supplement routine. Ready to get started? You can set up an auto-subscription of your supplements on our R3 Health Essentials site. At R3 Health, we’re committed to providing personalized solutions that support your long-term wellness goals. Talk to us today to learn more about how nutrient supplementation can elevate your health journey.